Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Easy & Delicious (EP. 1) ~ Mini Pan Fried Buns 簡單又美味 (第一集) ~ 迷你水煎包

This is the first in the new Easy & Delicious Vegan Recipesseries! Our aim is to provide simplified methods for the meals and treats that we crave, but often dont have the time and energy to make. 


( for the Chinese recipe please scroll down


We are starting with one of everyones favourites - easy and juicy Mini Pan-Fried Buns. These are so simple; there is no pre-soaking, pre-marinating, proofing the dough … none of those additional time-consuming steps. So please enjoy! 


Easy & Delicious (EP. 1) ~ 

Mini Pan Fried Buns 

Ingredients :

125g shiitake mushrooms

125g king oyster mushrooms

175g tin bamboo shoot 

175g carrots

175g pointed cabbage

175g courgette 

2 x thumb size pieces of ginger

Large bunch coriander

1 pack dumpling wrappers, with wheat (all-purpose) flour as the major ingredients)

Toasted sesame seeds for garnishing

Stir-fry sauce:

½ tsp salt

½ tsp ground white pepper

½ tsp sugar

½ tsp mushroom seasoning 

¼ tsp five spice powder

1 tbsp cooking wine

1 tbsp sesame oil

1 tbsp vegan oyster sauce

2 tsp light soy sauce

2-3 tbsp corn starch 

Balsamic vinegar and chilli sauce to serve

PLEASE NOTE: This makes enough filling for 32 buns. Once cooked and cooled, you can set aside half of the filling and freeze it for future buns or dumplings and use the other half to make 16 buns. 


1  Prepare the ginger: Cut one piece of ginger into very small dice and set aside. Cut the other into very thin strips, put into a small bowl and cover in balsamic vinegar. Give it a good stir and set aside. 

2  Prepare the vegetables: Cut the carrots, courgette and mushrooms into ½ cm cubes, the cabbage into 1cm pieces, and the bamboo shoots into  ½ cm lengths. Wash and chop the coriander.

3  Prepare the sauce: Mix the stir-fry sauce ingredients in a jar and leave to one side.

4 Cook the filling: Heat 2tbsp oil in a frying pan over a medium heat. Fry the vegetables until tender, add a little oil in the middle pan, drop the mushrooms in, stir fry everything together until slightly soft. Add 2tbsp water to the stir fry sauce and mix well together, pour over and continue cooking until the vegetables are cooked through. Add the coriander and mix well, and add one more tbsp water, before sprinkle over the corn starch and stir together quickly. This will help to bind the filling together and create a sticky, meaty-like texture which will make it easier to handle when wrapping the buns. 

5  Now is the time you can set aside half of the filling if you plan on making only 16 buns.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

6 Take out as many dumpling wrappers as you need, and use a rolling pin to roll them out to a bit rounder, thinner and bigger. You can roll 2 pieces together at a time for efficiency!

7  Wrapping the buns: Have a small bowl of water ready. Put a wrapper in the palm of your hand, apply water to the edges. Add a heaped teaspoon of filing. Pressing down slightly, gather and pleat the pastry to form a round shape of a small bao. Repeat with the remaining wrappers and filling.

8 Take a flat bottomed frying pan that has a lid. Heat 2 tbsp oil over medium heat. Put all the buns in the pan, leaving a little space in between (you can do this in batches if your pan is smaller). When the bottom of the buns are golden-brown, add room-temperature water up to ⅓ of the height of the buns. Cover and set a timer for 10 minutes.

9  After 7 minutes, take the lid off and let the buns finish cooking for the last 3 minutes. If the pan looks too dry you can add a little more water. If the bun bottoms need more browning, you can increase the heat for the last minute of cooking. 

10  Your bite size pan-fried mini buns are ready! You can brush the buns with a little sesame oil to add appeal and flavour. Serve them hot with the ginger vinegar, they are absolutely mouth-watering. Enjoy!

簡單又美味 (第一集) ~ 



香菇 125g 

杏鮑菇 125g 

罐頭筍絲 175g 

紅蘿蔔 175g 

尖頭捲心菜 175g 

櫛瓜 175g 

2 塊(拇指大小) 

香菜 1 大把 

市售餃子皮 1 包(以小麥麵粉為主要材料的那種)


½ 小匙
胡椒粉 ½ 小匙
½ 小匙
蘑菇調味料 ½ 小匙
五香粉 ¼ 小匙
料酒 1 湯匙
香油 1 湯匙
素蠔油 2 小匙
生抽 2-3 湯匙

這是足以做 32 個小煎包的餡料。炒熟後,你可以留起一半的餡料冷凍儲存,以後做包子或餃子時用,每一半可以做 16 個小包子。 

做法 :


準備蔬菜:將紅蘿蔔、櫛瓜和蘑菇切成 ½ cm 左右丁方,將尖頭捲心菜切成 1 cm 大小,將筍絲切成 1/2 cm 左右長度。香菜洗淨切碎,分成兩碗。

3 準備醬汁:將炒醬汁材料混合在一個大杯子裡,拌勻。

炒餡料:中火加熱炒鍋,下油  2 大匙,下薑末,炒香。將蔬菜略炒至軟,撥開鍋中間,下少許油,加入菇粒翻炒一會。加 2 大匙水入炒醬拌匀,倒進鍋中,繼續炒至蔬菜軟熟。加入香菜拌匀,再倒進 1 大匙水兜匀。然後直接撒上玉米澱粉並快速翻炒。這將有助餡料糊結一起,形成粘稠的肉狀質地,你的令包小包子時更容易處理。

如果你只打算做 16 個小包,現在可以留起一半的餡料。

6  取出需要的餃子皮,用擀麵杖擀成更圓、更薄、更大的包子皮。可以一次將 2 塊疊在一起擀可以更快!


取一個有蓋的平底煎鍋。用中火加熱 2 大匙油。把包子放入鍋中,每個之間保留一點距離(如果你的鍋子較小,可以分批進行)。當包子底部呈金黃色時,加入室溫水至包子高度的 1/3。蓋上蓋子並設定計時器 10 分。

9. 7 分鐘後,打開蓋子,讓包子完成最後 3 分鐘的水煎。如果鍋子看起來太乾,可以加一小點水。如果包子底部需要更金黃,可以在煎完前的最後一分鐘加大火少許。

10  你一口大小的水煎包就這麼樣做好了!你可以在包子上刷上少許芝麻油,看來更好吃。配上薑醋辣椒油,令人垂涎欲滴。請趁熱享用!

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