Sunday 4 August 2024

Simple and Delicious Japchae | A Korean Noodles Dish 簡單又美味的韓式雜菜拌冬粉

Japchae (잡채; 雜菜) is one of the most beloved Korean dishes. This savoury and sweet noodle meal can be served on its own or as a side accompanying other main courses. 

Japchae translates as mixed vegetables. Pronounced “chaap chay”, a word made up of two Korean syllables, with the stress on the second syllable. “jap”, meaning mixed, and “chae,” meaning vegetables; it’s a relatively old Korean dish. 

Japchae 是最受歡迎的韓國菜式之一。這款鹹辣中帶點甜的雜菜拌冬粉既可以擔任主菜的角色,也可以作為配菜。

Japchae 即是雜菜 (混合蔬菜)的意思。發音為“chaap chay”,是由兩個韓語音節組成,重音在第二個音節。 “jap”,意思是混合,“chae”,意思是蔬菜;這是一道比較古老而傳統的韓國菜餚。

( for the Chinese translation please scroll down


As the story goes, Japchae was first served sometime in the 17th century by Yi Chung for a banquet at the palace of King Gwanghaegun, the 15th ruler of the Joseon Dynasty of Korea. Legend says that the king was so impressed by the dish that he promoted Chung to a high-ranking job and Japchae earned its place as a part of Korean royal court cuisine.

Like many other formally royal dishes, Japchae began to gain popularity as a food for non-royals. In the modern time, it is somewhat different than the first creation 400 years ago, but at its core, it’s the same, delicious dish. 

At the heart of a good Japchae it generally include glass noodles, colourful vegetables, mushrooms or meat.

Traditionally, Japchae requires meat and each vegetable to be cooked separately. Some might argue that this separate cooking process is unnecessary. But it is true by cooking them separately you can maintain their individual flavour, texture and colour better. However, we understand serving family meals need to be practical as well as trying to maintain a lovely presentation. 

So here, we would like to share with you how to cook a quicker version of a beautiful and delicious mushroom and vegetable Japchae! Using fresh portobello mushrooms for the meaty texture, fresh shiitake mushrooms for their umami taste, stir-fry the vegetables with our homemade salt & pepper seasoning to add depth to the flavours. You can feel free to use onions instead of Chinese leaves, or spring onions to replace the asparagus in our recipe.

Once the vegetables, mushrooms and noodles are all cooked - separately, they are tossed together to make the final dish. Japchae is typically mixed in a sauce which contains soy sauce, sesame oil, and brown sugar as well as other seasonings depending on the preference of the chef, and you would garnish it with toasted sesame seeds. We’ve added vinegar and chilli paste to the mix for a balanced yet more intensified challenge to our taste buds.  

So let’s get cooking! Serve our ‘Simple and Delicious Japchae’ to brighten up your next party, birthday, or festive celebration!

據說,雜菜第一次是在 17 世紀的某個時候,由一个位御用廚師 Yi Chung 在韓國朝鮮王朝第 15 代統治者,光海君王宮舉行的一場宴會上,首次用來款待貴賓的。傳說國王對這道菜印象非常深刻,因此將 Yi Chung 賞賜至更高的職位,雜菜也因此成為韓國宮廷美食之一。

跟許多其他正式的皇家菜餚一樣,雜菜也開始普受歡迎。流傳到今天,它與 400 年前的原創可能有些不同,但萬變不離其宗,怎樣都是美味的菜式。




當蔬菜、蘑菇和冬粉都分別炒好煮熟,只須在大容器中一起拌匀,便可以上菜。雜菜冬粉通常混合在包括醬油 (生抽) 、麻油、紅糖或糖漿,和其他調味料的醬汁中,取決於廚師的喜好。並用烤芝麻裝飾。我們在醬汁中還加了醋和辣椒醬,以增加滋味和剌激我們的味蕾。


( for the Chinese recipe please scroll down


Simple and Delicious Japchae


(4 - 6 servings)

300g Korean style sweet potato noodles (glass noodles)

½ Chinese leaves (can be substituted with onions) 

100g carrots

½ each red & orange bell pepper

250g fresh shiitake mushrooms

2 large portobello mushrooms 

125g asparagus (can be substituted with spring onions)

200g baby spinach leaves

Sauce for the Japchae

4 tbsp light soy sauce

2 tbsp mirin

2 tbsp agave syrup ( can use other syrup )

2 tbsp vinegar 

2 tbsp sesame oil

1 - 2 tbsp your own favourite chilli paste

2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds

* Homemade salt & pepper seasoning :

( make and keep this in a jar and use it when you need it next time, I omitted the five spice powder for this version, want to preserve the vibrant colour of the vegetables) :

2 tbsp salt

1 tbsp ground white pepper

1 tbsp ground Sichuan pepper 

1 tbsp sugar

1 tsp natural mushroom seasoning

1-2 tbsp chilli flakes

Method :

1  Wash, pat dry or spin dry the vegetables and mushrooms. Add ingredients of the sauce for Japchae in a jug, stir to mix well. Mix the salt & pepper seasoning in a jar and mix well too. Leave both the sauce and the seasoning to one side. Fill a big pot with boiling water, let it cool and use it to rinse the noodles later.

2  Cut the white stems and leaves of the Chinese cabbage separately and finely. Julienne the carrots, cut the peppers into thin match sticks to about the same lengths as the carrots. 

3  Snap and remove the bottom and woody part of the asparagus ( you can collect the end parts of the asparagus stems and the mushrooms to flavour stocks. Freeze them up in a bag or container and throw them in a pot the next time you're cooking up a stock or broth ). Cut the asparagus stems diagonally into the similar length as the peppers and carrots, and cut in the middle if some of the sections are too thick.

4  Cut off the stems from the shiitake mushrooms and slice the mushrooms thickly. Remove the stems from the portobello mushrooms, cut the round edge off so you can slice the gills clean - The portobello mushroom gills when cooked down, can give your dish a muddy appearance and obscuring other more vibrant ingredients. Cut the portobello mushrooms into slices - not too thin as they shrink down after cooking.

5  Bring the Japchae sauce in a small pan over medium heat to a boil, then simmer for a minute to cook off the alcohol in the mirin, pour back into the jar, leave to one side.


6  Heat a large pan or wok over medium heat, add in 1 tbsp oil. Fry the stems of the Chinese leaves for a couple minutes then adding in the leaves, stir-fry together, sprinkle ½ tsp *Homemade salt & pepper seasoning, toss everything together and fry till the vegetables are just cooked, empty on one side of a large plate.

7  Wipe clean or rinse the wok, add 1tbsp oil, empty in the carrots to fry a couple minutes, then add the bell peppers, before sprinkling over with ½ tsp of the salt & pepper seasoning, toss everything together, stir fry until the vegetables are just soft and not over cooked, empty on to the plate next to the Chinese leaves.

8  Wipe clean or rinse the wok, add 1tbsp oil, add the asparagus to stir-fry a little while, add 2 tbsp water to fry until the asparagus become soft, add in the spinach to stir together, drizzle a tbsp sesame oil and sprinkle over ½ tsp of the salt & pepper seasoning, toss everything together quickly, until the spinach starting to get a little wilted. Turn off the heat and use the remaining temperature to cook through the spinach, but remaining bright green. Empty them on to the plate next to the carrots and bell peppers.

9  Wipe clean the wok again, use medium to high heat, add 1tbsp oil, fry the portobello mushrooms first, add 1 tbsp wine to help intensify the flavour and give a little moisture to the pan, when you see the portobellos are starting to get soften, add the shiitake mushrooms, immediately sprinkle over ½ tsp of the salt & pepper seasoning, toss everything together, add 2 tbsp of the Japchae sauce, stir fry until the mushrooms are soft but still plum and bouncy, empty them into a bowl.

10  Now let’s turn our attention to the glass noodles. Add boiling water into the wok, stir in 1tbsp oil, 1tsp light soy sauce and 1tsp sugar; bring the water back to the boil, drop the noodles in, and cook them through according to instruction on the packet. The noodles are not supposed to be al dente, they need to be cooked through. 

11  Use a pair of tongs to pick up the glass noodles into a sieve, and lower them into the cooled boiled water immediately to rinse, then drain completely and put back into the dried wok, cut the noodles into shorter lengths, immediately pour 4tbsp Japchae sauce over, stir and mix well together. Add 2 tbsp dark soy sauce to add colour.

12  Drop all the vegetables and mushrooms into the wok, add 3 - 4 tbsp Japchae sauce all over and mix, toss and stir together till everything is evenly mixed. Taste to decide if the mushrooms and vegetables Japchae needs any more sauce or if the seasoning is well balanced. 

13  Arrange the noodles on one or two large dish, sprinkle 1 - 2 tsp toasted sesame seeds to garnish and to serve.

Tips : If you want to keep the unfinished Japchae for lunch or a quick meal the following day. Make sure to use serving tongs, forks and spoon, or wearing gloves to toss everything in case of crossed contaminations. The left over Japchae can be covered and kept in the fridge for up to 3 days. You an eat it cold, or simply re-heating it by adding a little water in the pan and with some of the sauce if you like,  to gently cook it till pipping hot before serving.


材料 :

(4 - 6 人份)


大白菜 ½個(可用洋蔥代替) 

紅蘿蔔 100g

紅色和橘色甜椒各 ½

新鮮香菇 200g

波特菇 2


嫩菠菜葉 200g

雜菜醬汁 :

生抽 4 大匙

味醂 2 大匙

龍舌蘭糖漿 2 大匙(可使用其他糖漿)

2 大匙

芝麻油 2 大匙

你自己喜歡的辣椒醬 1 - 2 大匙

烤芝麻 2 大匙

* 自製椒鹽調味粉 :

(餘下的調味料粉保存在瓶子裡,留作下次再需要時使用我。這次我没下香料粉,想保留蔬菜鮮豔的顏色) :

  2 大匙

白胡椒粉  1 大匙

花椒粉 1 大匙

1 大匙

天然蘑菇調味料 1 小匙

乾辣椒籽 1 - 又是2 大匙


1 蔬菜和蘑菇洗淨、吸乾或用沙拉旋轉器甩乾水份。將雜菜醬汁配料放入杯中,攪拌均勻。把自製椒鹽調味粉配料放入瓶子中混合均勻。雜菜醬汁和椒鹽調味粉放在一旁備用。在一個大鍋裡裝滿沸水,讓它放涼,稍後用來沖洗麵條。

2 將大白菜的白莖和葉分別切成幼絲。把紅蘿蔔切成幼條,再將甜椒切成相同的長度。

3 折斷並去除蘆筍底部像木質的部分(你可以收集蘆筍的末端和蘑菇蒂。將它們冷凍在袋子或容器中,在下次要煮湯時把它們加進鍋中)。將蘆筍莖斜切成與甜椒和紅蘿蔔相若的長度,太厚的部位,則中切開二。

4 切去香菇蒂部,將香菇切成厚片。也把波特菇的蒂除去,切掉圓形邊緣,把菌褶切刮乾浄——波特菇的菌褶在煮熟後會呈現出渾濁的色澤,或會掩蓋菜餚中鮮豔的顏色。將波特菇切成厚片,不要切太薄,因為炒熟後它們會收縮。

5  將雜菜醬汁加進小鍋中,用中火煮沸,然後小火慢煮一分鐘,將味醂中的酒精蒸發。倒回杯中中,放在一邊備用。

6  用中火加熱大鍋或炒鍋,加入 1 大匙油。將切絲的大白菜莖炒幾分鐘,然後加入葉子,一起炒,撒上 ½ 小匙 * 自製椒鹽調味粉,拌匀,兜炒至蔬菜剛熟,倒進一個大盤子。

7  將炒鍋擦乾淨或沖洗乾淨,加入 1 大匙油,倒入紅蘿蔔炒幾分鐘,然後加入甜椒,撒上 ½ 小匙自製椒鹽調味粉,拌勻,炒至蔬菜軟熟,倒到盤子裡的大白菜旁。

8 把鍋子擦乾淨或沖洗乾淨,下 1 大匙油,加入蘆筍翻炒一會, 2 大匙水炒至蘆筍變軟,加入菠菜一起攪拌,下 1 大匙麻油,撒上 ½ 小匙 * 自製椒鹽調味粉,快速將所有東西翻炒一起,直到菠菜開始有點變軟。關火,用剩餘的溫度煮透菠菜,但保持鮮綠色。將它們倒在盤子上的红蘿蔔和甜椒旁。

9  再次把鍋子擦乾淨,用中大火,加入1 大匙油,先將波特菇炒一下,加入 1 大匙酒來增添美味,並給鍋裡加點水分。當你看到波特菇稍變軟化後,加入香菇,立即撒上  ½ 小匙 * 自製椒鹽調味粉,將所有材料炒拌在一起,加入 2 大匙雜菜醬汁,炒至全部蘑菇變軟但仍飽滿有彈性,倒入一個大碗中。

10  現在讓我們把注意力轉到冬粉,看看怎麽做。鍋中注入沸水,加入 1 小匙糖、1  小匙生抽和 1 大匙油,拌勻;將水重新煮沸,將冬粉放入,然後按照包裝上的說明將其煮透。麵條不應該有嚼勁,需要煮軟。

11 用鉗子夾起冬粉放入篩子中,立即放入已涼去的開水中沖洗,然後完全瀝乾水份,稍為剪短,重新放回抹乾的炒鍋中。馬上倒入 4 大匙雜菜醬然後攪拌並混合均勻。下 2 大匙老抽增加顏色。

12 將所有蔬菜和菇菌加進大鍋裡的冬粉上,下 3 - 4 大匙雜菜醬,攪拌均勻。品嚐一下,決定是否需要更多的醬汁,或者調味是否適中。

13  將雜菜冬粉放進一兩個大盤子中,撒上 1 - 2 茶匙烤芝麻裝飾。


如果你想將未吃完的雜菜冬粉留作第二天的午餐或作便當。請確保使用鉗子、勺子,或戴手套攪拌,以防細菌交叉污染。剩下的雜菜冬粉可以密蓋在冰箱中保存 3 天以內。你可以冷吃,或者簡單地在鍋裡加一點水,再加一些醬汁來加熱,輕輕地煮到滾燙,便可以烹用。

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