現在一年四季都能買到花椰菜,但本地產的話,則每年的 12 月至隔年 3 月是花椰菜的最佳品嘗季節。我喜歡買回來炒,或與綠花椰一起汆燙,然後,灑上刨碎的起司放進烤箱焗至微焦。 更喜歡用它來煮湯。
Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable. It belongs to the same family as broccoli, kale, cabbage and collards. They're a particularly nutritious vegetable family, providing vital vitamins, minerals, proteins and even carbohydrates.
Nowadays you don't have to wait for it to be in season to get your hands on it; it's available all year round. However, it's at its best from December through till March. I love using them in a stir-fry, or roasting them in the oven along with some broccoli, topped with cheddar cheese to make a lovely vegetable bake. But one of my all time favourite ways to use this versatile vegetable is in a soup.