孩子們提早返家過節。兒子和女朋友,女兒與男朋友,四個 大細路都説回來要吃粽,還指定要有裹蒸粽。
Our children came home early to celebrate a Dragon Boat Festival dinner with us. Our son came with his girlfriend, and our daughter with her boyfriend. The four big kids all wanted to come home for the celebration food: rice dumplings, and they particularly requested the square parcel shaped one!
四張燦爛的笑臉把陽光帶進家門。樂得團團轉的,除了小狗 Josh, 還有老媽子我。
Their lovely smiley faces brought the sunshine back with them. I was as excited as Josh was, and bustled around trying to get all their favourite meals ready.
天氣不冷不熱,晴朗舒暢。晚上一家人圍爐吃火煱,白天烤 BBQ,很是好玩!雖然都住在倫敦,但他們直言,路途的距離不會阻止他們回來探望我們,因為想經常吃我煮的飯菜點心。
We had hotpot one night, and a barbecue the next day. It was so much fun! We all really enjoy spending time together, and although they live in London, they promised that the distance won’t stop them coming back regularly for more homemade dinners, and also to visit us and Josh!
Parcel Shaped Glutinous Rice Dumplings
( 做 8 –10 個 )
- 豬腩肉 500g
- 鹽1 – 2 大匙
- 糖 1 小匙
- 胡椒粉 1小匙
- 紹興酒 2 大匙
- 五香粉 1/2 小匙
- 糯米 1000 g
- 鹽 1 大匙
- 麻油 1 大匙
- 橄欖油 2 大匙
- 糖 1 大匙
- 開邊綠豆 500 - 800g ( 喜歡多放綠豆的,用多些,多少隨意。)
- 鹽 1/2 - 1 大匙
- 麻油1/2 大匙
- 橄欖油 1 大匙
- 糖 1/2 大匙
- 鹹蛋黃 8 - 10 粒
- 紹興酒 1 大匙
- 香菇 8 - 10 朵
- 臘腸 4 條
- 臘肉 2 條
- 蝦米 50 g
- 荷葉 10 張
- 粽葉 50 塊 ( 每個裹蒸粽用 1 張 荷葉和 4 - 5 塊粽葉包成 )
- 綿繩 10 條 ( 約 6 呎長對摺成 1 條 )
1.) 荷葉和粽葉用沸水泡 4 小時再水煮半小時。然後逐塊用清水洗抹乾淨,將粽葉片頭尾剪掉。
2.) 豬腩肉切成 2 x 4 cm 左右長方塊,放大碗中,加入所有醃肉料拌勻,醃製一晚。
3.) 糯米洗淨用冷水泡 2 小時,完全瀝乾後,加入所有糯米材料中的調味料,拌勻置 2 小時備用,用前再瀝乾。
4.) 開邊綠豆洗淨用冷水泡 2 小時,完全瀝乾後,加入上述綠豆材料中的調味料,拌勻置 2 小時備用,用前再瀝乾。鹹蛋黃用紹興酒撈勻備用。
5.) 香菇洗淨泡軟擠去水份瀝乾,加 1 大匙蠔油,1/2 大匙麻油,1 小匙糖拌勻備用。蝦米也泡軟後瀝乾用 1/2 大匙生抽 ( 醬油 ),1/2 大匙麻油拌勻備用。臘腸和臘肉用熱水浸軟,每條臘腸切 3 段,臘肉切去肥肉部分,也切成小段。
6.) 把一張荷葉置工作檯上 ( 不用擔心有孔或崩缺 ),所有材料圍放在旁。
7.) 將 1 塊粽葉橫放正中。
8.) 上面直排 3 - 4 塊粽葉。
9.) 中間放一朵香菇。
10.) 蓋上 1 杓糯米。
11.) 再蓋上 1 杓綠豆。
12.) 中央放鹹蛋黃,然後隨意圍放其餘材料。
13.) 再蓋上 1 杓綠豆,保持小丘形狀。
14.) 最後蓋上 1 杓糯米。
15.) 小心保持小丘形狀,糯米上放 1 塊粽葉。
16.) 右手按緊蕉葉下方的小丘米糰,保持粽型。左手把荷葉邊緣拉起。
17.) 左手隨而按緊米糰,保持粽型。右手把把荷葉邊緣拉起。
19.) 仍然緊握著粽,把荷葉下方摺起。
20.) 仍然緊握著粽,把粽翻轉過去。
21.) 用雙手包緊固定粽型後,把繩在旁十字型交轉拉緊翻至粽的下方。再用十字型交轉拉緊,至平均綑綁完成。
22.) 把粽反轉,將繩末從㡳部穿越交疊綁緊便成一隻裹蒸粽。
23.) 多練習後,可以只用十字型綑綁也能包牢裹粽。裹好的粽置大鍋沸水中,水要淹過粽面,用圓鋼架按下再上置重物,以防粽子上浮。蓋著再滾起後用中火煲 3 - 4 小時後 ,趁熱從水中取起瀝乾。煲粽期間要檢看粽子沒有浮上水面,要保持按在鋼架下,水位低了要加進沸水,水要保持蓋過粽面。
- 視你裹好的粽子大小和你家的爐火而定,和你對粽子軟綿度的喜歡。我家人愛吃入口酥化的五香鹹腩肉,所以我通常會用中火煲 3 小時 30 分左右。
The parcel shaped rice dumplings is the easiest “zòngzi” to make, and the most delicious according to my husband and my children, and you can enjoy it all year round. I promised my friends and some of my readers to share the recipe, therefore I’ve quickly finished writing it so hopefully anybody who’s interested will have the time to make them before this Saturday.
廣式五香鹹肉五角粽 Cantonese Style Salted Meat Rice Dumpling
紅豆鹼水三角粽 Red Bean Lye Water Rice Dumplings
廣式五香鹹肉五角粽 Cantonese Style Salted Meat Rice Dumpling
紅豆鹼水三角粽 Red Bean Lye Water Rice Dumplings
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing tis wondering step by step
recipes,,,i appraciates,,
btw,i notice all ingredients u no need to stir fired,
jus marinate mixed and steam with e rice is it,,
hope to hear from u,,,marin--
Dear Marin,
DeleteThank you for the question. Yes, this is a Cantonese style 粽子,we don't stir-fry our ingredients before wrapping them inside the glutinous rice and mung beans, that's our tradition.
ReplyDeleteDear 南福妹子,
Delete可以啊,請隨便好了,不要客氣 :)