Spring equinox, Supermoon, and Solar eclipse: Today sees the three rare celestial events in the UK.
Spring equinox, when the Sun shines directly on the equator and the length of night and day are nearly equal in the UK.
A Supermoon, or perigee moon, happens when the full or new moon does its closest fly-by of the Earth, making it look bigger than it normally does.
The Solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, and the Sun fully obscured by the Moon.
And while it won’t be affected by the two other events, it is rare that the three events happen even individually.
我們這兒只能看到約 90% 的全蝕。這是我第一次把這奇景拍攝下來。
We can only witness about 90% of the solar eclipse from where we are. This is the first time that I tried to capture the moments as it happens.
The light changes the colours and atmosphere indoors and outdoor. I felt so excited and nervous at the same time as I was pressing down the shutter!
Dear Anonymous ( 或者下次你可以留給我你的名字 :) ),
Delete謝謝妳的欣賞和稱讚,真是愧不敢當!我只是一個很平凡的家庭主婦而已。非常慶幸現在有 blog 和 Facebook 這些平台,可以讓大家隨意分享交流。更高興有讀者朋友如你,來告訴我你的意見。有空請多來聊聊!
Dear Jane,
ReplyDelete我就是上面的anonymous. 我名叫Amy. 雖然搞了個優雅單身生活的名字.但已經結婚了��.
因緣際會,多次到訪英國.十分羨慕你的英國country style 生活.聖誕節快要到了.真的超級期待你今年的家居佈置與聖誕食譜!