Wednesday, 26 November 2014

松露巧克力蛋糕 Chocolate Truffle Torte

昨天和老公南下 Buckinghamshire 的 Burnham Beeches 去看那迷人山林的秋色。在午間中天的陽光下,閃爍古銅的黃葉沿著兩旁的路領我們往樹林駛去。

We went down south to the beautiful woodland Burnham Beeches in Buckinghamshire yesterday, hoping to catch it in the late autumn light. Driving under the midday sun, the bronze yellow leaves glittered along the road which led us into the forest.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

薄荷巧克力杯子蛋糕 Mint Chocolate Cupcakes

上次在 Facebook 跟大家提及那位十七歳買了我書的大男孩 Saul Darlington, 他前後已依我書中的食譜做了紅蘿蔔蛋糕,辣椒燉牛肉醬,蘋果酥派和烤培根捲腸等等食品。

Remember the 17- year- old young lad Saul Darlington that I told you about? The one who bought my book for his mum and has been following my recipes making quite a few tasty cakes and dishes for his family himself; such as the carrot cake, chilli con carne, apple crumble and bacon wrapped sausages etc. 

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

照燒醬三文魚整個番茄飯 Whole Tomato with Teriyaki Salmon Boiled Rice

我知道單是吃飯他一定會不夠飽的,便決定在飯的上面放些用自家調配照燒醬汁醃過的三文魚 。後來索性用小砂鍋來煲飯,於是兩公婆可以一人一個煲仔飯,吃得更盡興和更大快朵頤了。

Saturday, 1 November 2014

南瓜甘薯燉豬肉 Pork, Pumpkin and Sweet Potato Stew

在英國居住了這麼多年,我對他們的經典民間菜式仍總是百吃不厭。除了具有代表性的烤肉餐外,本地的砂鍋菜 (Casserole) 或燉肉餐 (Stew) 也是我最愛做和最受老公孩子們歡迎的家常菜之一。

After living in the UK for so many years, I've come to love their classic family dishes so much. Apart from the most popular Sunday roast dinner, casseroles and stews are among our family firm favourites too.