Like a lot of other Japanese noodle dishes, udon noodles are usually eaten cold in summer and served hot in winter.
You can use any seasonal vegetables of your choice; then just add meat, seafood, herbs or anything else to make up your favourite udon noodle dish.
The noodles although quite thick, have a soft and flexible texture. You can use them for cooking noodle soup, cold noodle salad, or as a stir-fry noodle meal. Its adhesiveness and elasticity quality, makes it easy to complement or enhance the flavour of the other ingredients with which the udon noodles are being cooked with.
When the weather is too warm to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, why not cook a big plate of udon noodles to put on the table and let everybody help themselves. Whoever happens to be around can enjoy the noodles while they'er hot; for the late comers of the family, you can save them a plateful and keep it in the fridge; very convenienct.
( 4 人份 )
- 烏冬麵 800g 根據包裝指示用沸水浸開、過冷水,瀝乾備用
- 瘦豬肉 400g 切薄片
- 五香豆腐干 2 塊切細條狀
- 白菜 ( 小棠菜 ) 4 棵洗淨每株中切開四瓣
- 新鮮香菇或蘑菇 200g 切片
- 紅燈籠椒 1 隻切幼條
- 葱 4 條切段
- 蒜頭 2 粒剁蓉
- 薑指頭大小刨碎
- 油 1 湯匙
- 鹽 ½ 茶匙
- 糖 ½ 茶匙
- 蠔油 2 湯匙
- 用乾鍋烘香的白芝麻 2 - 3 湯匙
- 海鮮醬 1 湯匙
- 豆瓣醬 1 湯匙
- 麻油 2 湯匙
- 生抽 ( 醬油 ) 1 茶匙
- 酒 1 湯匙
- 粟粉 1 茶匙
- 燒紅不黏易潔平底鍋,下油 ½ 湯匙,把肉片單層排開並保持空間;如太擠逼的話可分两次下鍋。在鍋內把肉片煎至微焦然後反轉煎另一面也至微焦,將肉片鏟起。原鍋下豆腐干,因豆腐干本身有油,就在鍋內炒至熱透便可以;盛起同放肉片碟中。
- 由這步驟開始,為了省時,我用两隻鍋;如不能的話,只用一隻也行。把烏冬麵加進剛炒完豆腐干的鍋去,加進 1 湯匙麻油把麵用筷子拌勻,轉中火把麵烘至熱透。
- 另一隻鍋燒紅下油 ½ 湯匙,快手爆香葱段、薑和蒜蓉;加入紅椒、香菇和白菜同炒。下鹽、糖和蠔油把菜炒至 7 成熟左右;肉片與豆腐干加進與菜一起兜炒均勻,試味。期間不要忘記用筷子把麵條挑鬆拌熱。
- 大深碟內,麵與菜肉傾入,用大夾子和筷子拌勻,隨意灑下芝麻,上桌。
If you are inviting friends over for lunch; or need to take food to a party or a gathering, these stir-fried udon noodles with pork, pak choy and sliced fried bean curd are an ideal choice.
Your stir-fried Udon look so tempting!
ReplyDeleteDear Sonia,
DeleteThank you!! Udon is an all time favourite in our house, we can have it anytime of the day :)
ReplyDeleteJane的手艺就是那么的好, 那么的厉害哦!
Dear May,
我們全家都愛吃麵食,自己炒,下多多料都可以 ;p
好多料的乌冬面,很吸引人!赞 :)
ReplyDeleteDear Esther,
Delete謝謝你!每樣材料都下一點,就炒成一大碟了 ^^
Jane家的晚餐桌擺設看來都很有情調,真是美味賞目好心情。(之前也投妳票了。) Best!
ReplyDeleteDear V,
謝謝支持,那份心意最是寶貴 :)
Hi Jane, 我很久沒有在這裡留言了!! 這道炒烏冬令我食指大動!我偶爾也會炒烏冬的.:)會給你投一票!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, 我早前去了Cotswolds的Bourton on the water 和stow on the wold(因為你曾經在blog裡提到Cotswolds, 所以我很有興趣到那裡走走); 我很喜歡那些小鎮呢!
Dear soccerlover,
很高興你去探訪過 Cotswold,令人流漣忘返的好去處。
Dear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteThank you for dropping by ~