最近聽世界各地的朋友們都說他們的夏天有多熱,動輒都 36 - 38 ˚ C。我記起這麼熱的經驗也只有幾年前去美國佛羅尼達州體會過。那次還差點中暑。所以我知道大家的苦處。
Recently, I've been hearing friends from all different parts of the world saying how hot this summer is where they live, with temperatures as high as 36 - 38 ˚ C. From what I can remember, I've only ever experienced weather that hot when we were in Florida a few years back. That time, I nearly suffered a sun - stroke, so I know what everybody must be going through.
在英國居住了這麼多年,平時的夏天都不會熱到那裏去。只有十多年前的一個七月,天氣反常,氣温竟上升至 33 - 34 ˚ C,帶孩子們去沙灘玩,海水竟是温暖的!
Having lived in the UK for so many years, I've found that summer here has never been too hot, except from one particular summer about 16 - 17 years ago when the weather was unusually warm; it reached
33 - 34 ˚ C. When we took the kids to the beach, even the water felt heated.
前幾天還在繼續我的夏天健美餐,仍然從 Slimming World 的食譜中找靈感。看到這道 " Surf 'n' Turf " 的沙律,馬上要做!
The other day, as I was still trying to carry on with my healthy diet, also looking for inspiration to make a light lunch for a lovely summer afternoon. I flipped through the " Slimming World " magazine again, on seeing this "Surf 'n' Turf " salad, I knew I had to make it.
這款 80 年代在英國很流行的酒吧餐廳名菜,起源於 60 年代的北美洲。後來輾轉相傳,來到了在大西洋這一方,大受歡迎。時至今日,偶然還會從有些酒吧餐廳的菜牌上看到。
This dish was a favorite choice in pubs and restaurants in the 80 s. It first started in North America during the 60 s, then it traveled across the Atlantic over to the UK, and became very popular here. Nowadays, occasionally, we could still find it on the menus of some pubs and restaurants.
原本的《 Surf 'n' Turf 》 是一款甚為豐富的主菜。是一道用肉類與海鮮混合的菜式 ( 最常見的如龍蝦與牛排 ), surf 代表海產,turf 代表吃草的動物,多數指牛肉。
Originally the 《 The Surf 'n' Turf 》is a very rich dish. A type of cuisine that combines both meat and seafood ( especially lobster and steak ), surf refers to seafood turf to beef animals fed on grass.
( 4 人份 )
- 薄西冷牛排 4 塊
- 甜豆 sugar snap peas 300 g, 川燙後中間切開
- 青瓜半條切幼條
- 甘筍 2 條去皮切幼條
- 小蘿蔔 radish 100 g,切薄片
- 大虾 16 隻灼熟中間直切開
- 火箭菜 rocket leaves 1 大把
- 鮮磨海鹽黑椒末
- 青檸 1 隻搾汁
- 無脂天然優格 4 湯匙
- 橄欖油 1 湯匙
- 蜜糖 1 湯匙
- 有籽芥末 1 湯匙
- 土茴香 dill 或新鮮細香葱 fresh chives 1小撮切碎
- 牛排每塊兩邊塗抹上少許橄欖油,隨意磨上海鹽黑椒 。大火預熱有凹凸坑的平底鍋,牛排放下煎至喜愛的熟度。生的每邊 2 - 3 分鐘,半生熟每邊 4 分鐘,熟的 5 - 6 分鐘。待涼後切條。
- 同時,灼熟大蝦、川燙甜豆 1 - 2 分鐘;過凍水,瀝乾,涼後中間切開。
- 把所有材料置大碗中。將做沙律醬的材料全放進小玻璃瓶內,扭緊瓶蓋,大力上下搖勻。小心打開,上桌時才淋在沙津上,留點讓每人隨意添上。
Surf and Turf Salad
(serves 4 )
- 4 pieces of thin and lean Sirloin steaks
- 1 cucumber, cut into thin matchsticks
- 2 carrots, peeled and cut into thin matchsticks
- 100 g radishes, thinly sliced
- 300 g sugar snap peas, halved lengthways
- 16 tiger prawns cooked and cut in halves lengthways
- A handful of rocket leaves
- Freshly ground salt and pepper
For the dressing:
- Juice of 1 lime
- 4 tbsp fat - free natural yoghurt
- 1 tbsp of olive oil
- 1 tbsp of honey
- 1 tbsp of whole grained mustard
- A small handful of fresh dill or chives, finely chopped
- Seasoned the steak with rubbing a bit of olive oil on each side, freshly ground salt and pepper. Place a ridged griddle pan or heavy - based frying pan over a high heat until hot. Cook for 2 - 3 minutes on each side for rare, 4 minutes for medium, 5 - 6 minutes for well done. Sliced the beef when cool.
- Meanwhile, boil the tiger prawns and sugar snap peas for 1 - 2 minutes, refresh under cold water, drain, then sliced lengthways.
- Put all the salad ingredients in a large bowl. Put all the dressing ingredients into a jar, screwed the lid tightly, shook vigorously up and down until all blended well. Unscrew the jar carefully and pour most of the dressing over the salad and toss gently and serve, with the remaining dressing at the side for drizzling over.
This improved version of the surf and turf salad, very simple yet delicious, perfect for a hot summer day.
Dear 小咪,
這兩款健康好味的夏日食品,真是很適合這炎熱的季節 :) ~~
Hi Jane,
ReplyDelete香港剛剛掛了8號颱風. 對呀, 香港天氣很熱, 平均30-33度, 有些地方試過37度.
記得2006 7月, 辭去工作, 一個人先去布拉格遊玩(及見工), 後到倫敦會合同學, 再去行畢業典禮 (因年紀大才讀degree). 那年, 熱浪捲歐洲, 倫敦不能幸免, 天氣十分熱, 有錢的同學訂有冷氣的酒店. 但我沒有多餘錢, 只能入住無冷氣的酒店. 我忘了正確的氣溫, 但應該有三十幾 – 四十度!!! 每晚要打開窗睡, 依然很熱, 不能入睡.
海陸沙律正好迎合悶熱天氣, 一定要學整這道沙律. 真的多謝妳的分享.
香港現播Jamie Oliver(大城小廚歐陸之旅),佢有時都教人做沙律, 我有收看, 覺得幾好睇.
Dear KS,
Delete給你提醒,我也記起來了!2006 那年我姨甥才九歲,是他第ニ次自己來英,來我們家渡暑假。
我也很喜歡 Jamie Oliver 的 cooking style,更欣賞他對烹飪的真誠,各地美食風土人情的尊重。最敬佩他的太太,把家和兒女照顧得妥善,讓他能專心專意發展事業,很難得!
Dear Meiko,
Delete這大熱天氣真把 Meiko 的 cool 給熔化掉了吧,聽你的語氣我也替你難耐!
也真想一把將你拉過來我們的後院內,倒杯凍飲,請你坐下,再送上一盤沙拉 ...
我們這幾天也很熱,最高温也達至 30C,不慣熱的我,帶著姨甥和他同學仔去玩,就整天頭痛!
ReplyDeleteDear Cass,
Delete謝謝你 ~ 我很怕熱,夏天最喜歡弄涼快的菜,做和吃時才不會身水身汗 :)~~
Thanks for the recipe, it looks delish!!
ReplyDeleteDear love2dine,
DeleteNo problem at all! Such a simple and refresh salad, very good for a hot summer day, hope you'll like it :)
噢,簡直是色香味俱全的一道菜!好豐富,好有營養呢!(註:我喜歡沙律旁的麵包! :))
ReplyDeleteDear soccerlover,
Delete多謝啊 ~ 對飲食健康均衡注重的你,這款沙律最適合不過,有空請試試 ~
用麵包或小薯送沙律可以填飽肚子 :)
This is perfect to serve during summer, for me, all year round is summer, I can prepare this salad anytime.
ReplyDeleteDear Sonia,
DeleteWe've been having some very hot days lately, and found it hard to get use to ( we complain when it's rainy and cold too haha ), I can't imagine what it's like to be summmer all year round ~ thank you, hope you'll like it :)
I have heard so many people say the weather has been really hot in the UK :) I hope it is because it'll be better for the Olympics hehe ~ YAY sooooo happy you're blogging healthy recipes Jane ~ i'm trying REALLY hard to be healthy too lol even though i fail every day at least I'm trying hehe and I'm sure these Salads will help :P
ReplyDeleteDear Daisy,
DeleteThank you for your kind thoughts about the Olympics, we are very happy the weather is so beautiful in the UK in the building up to the games, and the ceremony tonight ( keeping the fingers crossed )!!
I NEED to eat healthily Haha!! With the kids around, I always cook huge amount of food and we eat out a lot, my trousers are getting tighter!!
I envy you and Mr Bao so much, I only need to look at your food photos, and I will put 10 pounds on, I put on weight so easy :(
ReplyDeleteDear Kelly,
Delete謝謝你!是啊!以前海陸大餐很流行時我老公很常 Order 的,喜歡吃但也有時吃不完。做成沙律的話,女生們也可以吃得安心了 :)
Dear Jane,
Dear fish,
Delete謝謝你!最近為了家人的生活忙過不停,希望 fish 不要怪我遲了回來與你聊天,我是時常想念著你的!
Dear Jane,
Thanks again for this wonderful recipe!!!
Dear June,
Please don't mention it, I'm very glad that you like this recipe, anytime ~~
Take care!!