過去三年,儘管也是放假才回來,但大學的假期既多且長。每次送別他們,雖然依依不捨,也知道不須多久,女兒便會再挽著小行李在火車站等候,或兒子駕車來到家的門前 ...
Recently I have become rather emotional and a bit nostalgic, perhaps because our children are about to graduate; knowing that they will have to stay in quite distant cities to pursue their careers brings on mixed feelings.
From now on, home will be a place that they come back to when they have time off or short breaks, unlike the period during their studies, where every time we saw them off at least the next holiday and re-union was not too far away ...
Since exams finished daughter has came home to stay before she goes back to London to take up a job in September. She and I have been spending a lot of time happily chatting, shopping, cooking and baking together. The other day we were discussing what cake to make for afternoon tea, when she reminded me of the custard tart that we had at the LADUREE in Paris. I remember seeing their recipe books on sale in the bookshop Waterstones’ near home, so we drove there and brought it back.
Few hours later, a deliciously smelling big custard tart came out from the oven.
This type of egg tart is very different compare to the Hong Kong style, Macau style and English style egg tarts. Their consistency is not as soft and delicate, and when it first comes out from the oven the surface rises up; but don’t panic, it will settle back down after a while. On biting into the full of vanilla flavour custard tart, the smooth but firm body helps you savour every mouthful, full of a lingering enjoyable taste.
法式蛋撻 French - Style Custard Tart
- 麵粉250g
- 很冷凍的牛油 125g 切粒
- 中號雞蛋黃 2 隻
- 海鹽半茶匙
- Milk 4 湯匙
- 9 in 可脫底撻盤一個
- 麵粉篩在大碗中,加進牛油和鹽,用手指尖搯搓成糠狀,加雞蛋牛奶,首先在碗內同搓勻,然後在洒了麵粉的桌上推揑搓圓成光滑球狀,但不要過份搓揉。包上保鮮紙,放冰箱內置 1 小時。
- 取出,用塗了粉的擀麵棍在洒粉的桌上把粉球擀成 2mm 厚的粉皮。撻盤上掃牛油,小心把粉皮放下按進撻盤,沿邊按貼。 用擀棍或小刀修切整齊邊沿的餅皮,保鮮紙蓋著放回冰箱置 1 小時。
Shortcrust Pastry ingredients:
- Plain flour 250g
- cold buttter 125g cut into small cube
- 2 medium size egg yolks
- Sea salt half a tea spoon
- Milk 4 tablespoon
- 9 in flan tin
Steps :
- Sift the flour into a large bowl, add the salt and the cold butter. Using the finger tips, work the butter into the flour until it resembles crumb. Add the egg yolks and the milk, incorporate into the butter and flour mixture just until everything is combined well and holds together; do not over work the dough. Form the dough into a ball and wrap in cling film. Refrigerate it for an hour.
- On a floured work surface, roll out the dough to a thickness of 2 mm. Butter the tin and gently press the dough into the tin, working up the sides. Trim any excess dough that hangs over the edge. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for 1 hour.
- 全脂奶 500ml
- 厚忌廉 double cream 325ml
- 砂糖 210g
- 生粉 85g
- 2 隻雞蛋加 2 隻蛋黄
- 牛油 25g
- 雲尼拿香草籽 vanilla pod 1 條
- 小煲內加進牛奶和忌亷, 用利刀直切開雲尼拿香草籽 vanilla pod ,以刀尖輕刮出內部種籽,把 雲尼拿的籽連殼放進煲內,中火煮至微滾,取離火爐。蓋著讓味道融滙 15 分鐘,把雲尼拿殼取出掉走 。
- 預熱焗爐至 170C / 340F / Gas3。把撻皮取出,用义子在粉皮上面小力剌十下八下,以防止在被焗期間浮起。放上烘焙紙,紙上置米撥平。這樣「盲焗」10 分鐘,取開紙和米,放回焗爐再烘 10 分鐘,取出待涼。
- 大碗內,把蛋和糖一起打拌至淡色,加生粉拌勻。把小煲內加了雲尾拿的奶慢火煮至微滾,將 1/3 的熱奶倒入蛋糖生粉混合液去,攪勻後倒回煲內與其餘的 2/3 熱奶拌勻。再放在爐上用中火温沸,期間不斷攪拌。煮滾後把蛋漿用篩過瀘至大碗內加進牛油拌勻,放涼 10 分鐘。
Custard filling ingredients :
- Whole milk 500ml
- Double cream 325ml
- Granulated sugar 210g
- Cornstarch 85g
- 2 eggs + 2 yolks
- Butter 25g
- Vanilla pod 1
Steps :
- Pour the milk and cream into a saucepan. With a sharp knife, slice the vanilla bean in half lengthwise, scrape the interior to remove the seeds, add the pod and seeds in the saucepan. Bring to a simmer. Remove from heat, cover and let infuse for 15 minutes. Remove the vanilla pod and set aside.
- Preheat the oven to 170C / 340F / Gas3. Take out the dough, using a fork, prick the surface of the dough to keep from puffing up during baking. Fit a round piece of parchment paper over the dough, carefully pressing into the corners and working up the sides so it will stay in place in the oven. Place rice or dried beans on top, spreading them out in an even layer. " Blind bake " for 10 minutes, take out from oven, remove the paper and the rice, put back into the oven and bake for another 10 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool.
- In a large bowl, whisk the eggs, egg yolks and sugar until slightly pale, add the cornstarch. In a saucepan, bring the vanilla - infused milk and cream to a simmer. Pour 1/3 of the hot liquid over the egg, sugar mixture. Whisk together and then pour back into the saucepan with the other 2/3 of milk and cream. Bring to a boil while continuing to stir with the whisk. Remove from heat, pour the custard through a sieve into a large bowl,add the butter, mix well and allow to cool for approximately 10 minutes.
- 與此同時,再預熱焗爐至 170C / 340F / Gas3。把蛋漿倒進預烘了的撻皮裏,置焗爐內烘大約 45 分鐘。取出時撻面會些微升起,但稍後會回復平坦。將大蛋撻小心放在大碗上,輕輕按下盤邊離盤。待涼後可隨意洒上霜糖作裝飾。
Final step :
- Mean while, preheat the oven again to 170C / 340F / Gas 3. Pour the custard into the pre - baked tart shell. Place in oven and bake for approximately 45 minutes. Remove from oven, the surface of the custard tart may appeared to have been risen slightly, it will settle back down after a while. Carefully place the big custard tart on top of a large bowl, pull down the side, leave the tart to cool down completely before sprinkle some icing sugar on the top if desire.
The exam results came through the post. Both our son and our daughter have been awarded with First Class Honours for their degrees.
My husband and I shed a few happy tears. We couldn’t imagine those two little soft bundles in our arms when they were little, would grow up so much so soon!!
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兒子 8 個月大時 When our son was 8 months old |
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女兒 3 個 月大時 When our daughter was 3 months old |
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哥哥 3 歲時上幼兒班的第一天 Big brother's first day to kindergarten at the age of 3 |
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妹妹 3 歲時上幼兒班的第一天 Little sister's first day to kindergarten at the age of 3 |
Feel so warm when seeing your old pictures..lovely! Your must be very proud when both your children received First Class Honours for their degrees, Congrats!
ReplyDeleteThis French style custard tart look perfect to enjoy in a lovely afternoon tea..Thanks for sharing.
Dear Sonia,
DeleteRecently I can’t help but keep looking at our old family photos, and realized time really flies ...
Thank you very much for your kind thought, can feel relaxed for them now, at least there’s no more exams.
Totally agree! This tart is much lighter then a cheese cake or a sponge cake :)
Dear Jane,祝賀妳的兒女以優秀的成績畢業!作為父母,看見兒女健康快樂地長成有出息的人,那份安慰和欣喜,一定不是三言兩語可以說明得透的.作為讀者的我們,很高興可以和您們分享這份喜悅!
Dear Natalie,
我們也是,只要是蛋撻,任何國藉的出品,都愛吃!你這麼能幹,要弄一個出來絕不困難 :) ~~
Dear Christine,
真的,最近經常翻看舊的家庭照片,很多情景,猶如發生於昨日;只是相中的人,已有很多的不同了 :)
忘了告訴你,我妹妹行遍了港九各大書店,卒之替我找到一本你的新書,替我買下了 :)
Delete過幾星期我外甥來英,會替我帶來,can't wait :D
Wow!! The custard tart looks exceptional (also looks great as a header photo). You are putting so much efforts into your blogging especially now with 2 languages!
ReplyDeleteWhich is why I have awarded you the much deserved Lovely Blog Award
Check it out here: http://kellysiewcooks.com/2012/07/02/blog-awards-and-random-facts-about-myself/
Thanks for always being so inspirational! :) Congratulations to your son and daughter for their great results too.
Dear Kelly,
DeleteThank you!! My daughter and I enjoyed making and eating that tart, so delicious !!
Thank you very much for awarding me with this award, and by checking it out helped me to know so much more about you. How amazing that you've graduated as a doctor, but was also the first runner up for Miss Chinese Melbourne!! Your parents must be so proud of you!
Thank you for your kind thought, it's time they go and find their own feet now :)
HI Jane,
ReplyDeletenot only your custard tart looks so wonderful, your detail photos and recipe, how can i not give it a try.
your lovely family story really give me a lot courage for my a bit down period of my life....
thanks Jane again and again
Dear Catlux,
DeleteYou're always so lovely and kind, and your message is sincere as ever. I truly hope that your down period will be over soon.
Not at all, it's nice for us to share and appreciate each other :)
Dear Jane,
Dear Linda,
那裡的話 ~ 身住外國,有家人朋友來訪是很開心的事。買東西不是很方便,都愛親自弄飯做點心照呼訪客,久了便習慣了 :)
Dear Cass,
Dear 小咪,
孩子只要知道家的温馨,去到那裏都感到安穩,也可以隨時回來 ~~
Dear Jane,
Dear fish,
你說得對,兩夫婦的感情一定要保持相親相愛,日子自然會過得充實 ~~
多謝你!蛋撻大家都愛吃,照片看上去便覺得很順眼了 :)
Dear Jane,
ReplyDeleteCongrats!!! You must be so proud that they both have been awarded First Class Honor!
前兩天送小V上飛機(跟外婆先回台北過王子般的生活), 我留在新加坡打包善後, 他才上飛機我就想他想得快掉淚, 平時總覺得孩子吵... 現下少了寶貝的morning kiss, after school kiss, good night kiss... 我整個人有氣無力 :(
Dear Miss LK,
DeleteThank you so much! I’m just glad that they’ve worked hard and enjoyed their studies, and now can close that chapter of their lives, get ready to step out and face the real world!
幸而 Miss LK你這麼能幹,將來小 V上大學了你也不會白坐家中長嗟短嘆瞎操心 … by the way, 你剛說小 V跟外婆先回台北,那你們也要回台了哪?~~
請不要怪我遲來回覆,要爭取時間跟女兒談天,你一定明白我的心情 :)
WOW, those are some gorgeous photos. Makes me want to get into the kitchen this minute!
ReplyDeleteDear love2dine,
DeleteThank you! That's the idea haha!! As food lovers, we strive to inspire each other :D ~~
congratulation! 兩團大傢伙, 取得如此好成績, 女女又已經找到工作. 值得開心, 但又明白妳的心情. 正確, 現真的不用想太多, 珍惜現在與女女相處的時間, 一起煮多點美食, post 給我們看, 分享妳們一家的喜悅 ^__^
ReplyDelete噢! 年輕的妳 ~ 美麗動人!!!
Dear KS,
DeleteThank you! 女兒和我一起的確有那麼多做不完的事。她喜歡和我逛街看戲,喝茶午餐,做餅弄飯,看書散步等等,時間老是不夠用。對不起這麼遲才回覆你,請不要見怪!很多謝你的關心和美意,總是暖暖的,讀著令我舒適開懷。希望你的近況是一切安好 :)
哈哈 ~ 那裏呢,年輕的人,青春在他們身邊,自然比年紀大了好看點!
Hello Jane,
ReplyDeleteI know how hard it must be for you to see your children grow up so quickly and leave home...I never thought I'd miss my family as much as I do, until now...living in Melbourne with Mr Bao...I only get to see my parents and sister's 2 or 3 times a year at most...and every time we see each other now it is much shorter than the times before.
But don't worry :) your children will always come back to visit and you can also go visit them ~ even though the time you spent with them may have reduced, sometimes it's what you do and how you cherish that person and not the amount of time :) Quality VS Quantity hehe at least that's what I tell myself to make time go quicker :D
HUGE Congratulations to both your son and daughter! It's amazing they both received First Class Honours results! I'm so happy for them and also you and your husband :D WELL DONE!
This looks like a lovely custard cake ~ I love Laduree and they're finally coming to Sydney, Australia can't wait to go and visit but in the mean time...if i have the time and COURAGE hehe I'll try this recipe :D Thanks for sharing as always!
In the mean time, enjoy the time with your daughter and take good care of yourself!
Dear Daisy,
DeleteThank you for your lovely and comforting words, you're always so sweet!
I try not to think too far ahead, just enjoy having them around for a bit at the moment, before they both go away again ...
I can totally understand how you feel. I came to the UK 30 years ago to study, and have been settling down over here ever since ...
Yes, we like Laduree a lot too, will try making their macaroons next :)~~
Hope you're feeling better now, I trust Mr Bao is taking very good care of you :)
Dear Jane,
ReplyDelete看到妳這篇BLOG,不其然想到ABBA既slipping through my fingers
我5月考完試,6月見了工,7月尾要開始上班了!到時會好忙呢...趁現在也常翻食譜試整不同既新蛋糕,今天做了老公的大敵,NY CHEESECAKE!佢唔食芝士蛋糕的,我郤愛得不得了!妳這個法式蛋TART我也要找天做做看...看了流口水啊!hehe!
Dear June,
嘩真開心!你不但試考完了,這個月尾還要開始上班,恭喜恭喜!真是喜上加喜!很替你開心 :)
對啊,正式做職業女郎前多下厨,不然以後沒時間了! ~~
Hi Jane,
ReplyDeleteFirstly I would like to say that really love your blog and always back for more recipes, thank you so much for your sharing.
I've tried this French tart recipe, but my custard always too thick and like mayonnaise sauce even after baking for 45 mins, really disappointed and couldn't know the reason.
At step 3, your mixture(milk added to egg sugar mixture) still very liquid and my were already as a custard sauce(thick). Could you give me any advice and really want to make it again.
Thanks again for your time and very happy to talk to you as well.
Amy from Sydney
Dear Amy,
DeleteThank you so much for your kind words!
The temperature of your vanilla-infused milk and cream before you adding into the egg mixture is very important. You only need to bring the milk/cream to a simmer, not boil; before you pour 1/3 of it into the egg mixture, whisking it all the time, then pour this back into the pan into the remaining 2/3 vanilla milk & cream, and follow the method stated above.....
Most importantly, you need to put the finished custard through a sieve, scrape it through the net to becoming a smooth custard adding it into the tart case.
Hope this helps!
Hi Jane, I'm wondering if I could use whipping cream instead of double cream since not a lot of supermarket near my place has got double cream. Awesome and lovely recipe by the way. Definitely gonna try this!
ReplyDeleteDear Phoebe,
DeleteThank you very much. In the UK, double cream has minimum 48% milk fat, and whipping cream has minimum 35% milk fat, so for making a dessert like this, the end results would be quite different if using a less fat contents of cream instead. I belieive some countries like the US or Canada called double cream heavy cream, see if you can get hold of the heavy cream for this recipe? Good luck!