Before I left Hong Kong, between the few years that I finished school and came to study abroad, I worked as an assistant artist; first at the Shaw Brothers (HK) Ltd, then at the Hotel Furama.
With the first job, I watched a lot of films. With the second job, I ate a lot of food.
在富麗華時,我們的美術部是在三十一層高的頂樓。我們的下一層便是酒店的 La Ronda 餐廳。La Ronda 是當時唯一以 360˚ 於一小時內慢慢旋轉一圈的餐廳,可以俯瞰整個中環全景。每天中午和傍晚都供應豐富美味的自助餐,晚上還有現塲音樂演奏。
At Furama, our Art Department was at the top 31st floor. Below us was the La Ronda Restaurant, the only one in Hong Kong with the magnificent panoramic view that would revolve 360˚ every hour at that time.
La Ronda served fabulous lunch and dinner buffets with live music nightly. Because one of our colleagues was very friendly with the manager and the kitchen staff, each day after lunch hours finished we were guaranteed to have plateful after plateful of good food brought up to our studio to share.
Yet come afternoon tea-time, we would still be feeling peckish. Then a game of lucky (unlucky) draw was played. We used a thick telephone book, and each one of us would randomly open a page. Whoever’s page number added up to be the smallest, had to be the “runner” to go and buy the snacks.
Most of the time, everybody would just ask for the “club sandwich”; as we all thought the shop which sold them made the best club sandwiches in the area. Even though we ran the risk of bumping into the General Manager on the way back, meaning that we had to hide the food, it was still worth it.
Those memories fondly stayed with me even after all these years.
前幾天我在讀著一本 Slimming World 的雜誌時,看到其中一款沙律,就是以公司三文治的作法為主題。我知道我必定要做一道來重温當年的滋味。
Traditionally, the Club sandwich is a sandwich with cooked chicken breast and bacon, along with tomatoes and lettuce layered between three slices of toasted bread, with mayonnaise.
Recently I was reading a Slimming World magazine, and came across one of their salads, which was inspired by the club sandwiches. I knew I had to make one for the old time’s sake.
(3 - 4 人份 )
無皮雞胸 2 隻
煙肉 4 片
蛋 4 隻
小馬玲薯随意 ( 我最後决定用麵包來伴沙律上桌,沒有加進小馬玲薯 )。
小生菜 2 棵葉分散把葉折開分散
小車厘番茄 200g
黄椒 1 隻去籽切幼條
綠豆角 200g 去尾部中間斷去
紅洋葱 1 隻切幼絲
橄欖油 2 茶匙
橄欖油 1 湯匙
白香醋 3 湯匙
無脂天然優格 fat - free nature yogurt 4 湯匙
有籽芥末醬 1 大湯匙
蜜糖 1 湯匙
新鮮細香葱 fresh chives 1 小撮切粒
Ingredients for Salad
2 skinless chicken breasts
4 rashers back bacon
4 eggs
400g baby new potatoes ( I decided to serve bread at the table, didn't use the potatoes in the end )
2 little gem lettuces, leaves separated
200g cherry vine tomatoes
1 yellow pepper, deseeded and thinly sliced
200g green beans, end cut off and cut into halves
1 red onion peeled and thinly sliced
Freshly ground sea salt and black pepper
2 tsp olive oil
Ingredients for the dressing
1 tbsp olive oil
3 tbsp white balsamic vinegar
4 tbsp fat - free natural yohurt
1 tbsp wholegrain mustard
1 tbsp honey
A small handful of fresh chives finely chopped
- 如果用小馬玲薯的話,煲 12 - 15 分鐘至軟,瀝乾放涼切角備用。
- 預熱烤架 grill 至中高温度,把煙肉放下,每邊烤 3 - 4 分鐘或至香脆,隨意切塊備用。將雞胸肉用手心或菜刀把最厚部份拍扁;兩邊用少許橄欖油抹勻,磨上海鹽黑椒末,置烤架下每邊烤 8 - 10 分鐘至熟,放涼後切角。
- 水蒸蛋的平底鍋注水燒開。小容器上用廚紙沾少許油抹勻,蛋打進,磨上少許鹽,下蓋,水滾後改小火。蒸 5 分鐘後熄火,讓蛋留在蓋著的熱氣中再待 5 分鐘。取出放涼後切角。(如沒蒸蛋鍋,可把整隻蛋連殼放滾水中,煲 7 分鐘左右,取出置冷水 10 分鐘,去殼切方角 )。
- 綠豆角煲 3 - 5 分鐘至軟,冲冷水瀝乾。把所有沙律材料置大碗中拌勻,蛋可以後下以防搗爛。
- 將做沙律醬的材料全放進小玻璃瓶內,扭緊瓶蓋,大力上下搖勻。小心打開,上桌時才淋在沙津上,留點讓每人隨意添上。
- If using small new potatoes, boil them for 12 - 15 minutes. Drain, halved or quartered and set aside.
- Preheat the grill to medium - high, grill the bacon for 3 - 4 minutes each side, or until crisp. roughly chop and set aside. Put the chicken on the grill rack, spread a little bit of olive oil on each side, seasoned with salt and black pepper, grill for 8 - 10 minutes each side, or until cooked through. Cut into chunks.
- Half fill water into the poached egg pan. Break the eggs into the egg holders, grind some salt over, cover and bring to boil, then simmer for 5 minutes, leave the eggs in the covered pan for another 5 minutes, then remove to cool. Cut into quarters. ( If you haven't got an egg poacher pan, just hard boil the eggs for 7 minutes, remove from the pan and place in cold water to cool. Peel off the shells and quarter ).
- Boil the beans for 3 - 5 minutes, or until tender. Drain and refresh under cold water. Transfer all the ingredients into a large bowl and mixed well together, put the eggs in only after everything has been stirred around, to prevent them from breaking apart.
- Put all the dressing ingredients into a jar, screwed the lid tightly, shook vigorously up and down until all blended well. Unscrew the jar carefully and pour most of the dressing over the salad and toss gently and serve, with the remaining dressing at the side for drizzling over.
This club-sandwich-inspired salad, is so easy to make, but very healthy and delicious. You can enjoy it all year round.
ReplyDeleteDear 梅綺,
Delete你為甚麼這般好?總把年輕的我想像成青春活潑可愛的模樣!幸好是隔了一層紗,矇矇矓朧你也看不清 ~
對了,最近常聽在台灣的朋友說氣温有多熱多不舒服,我真替你們難受!梅綺你要小心身體啊,不要感染到暑氣才好 ~ 吃沙律可以降體温又不用煎炒煮炸,的確是炎夏救星 :D
我最近看到你和先生的近照,你两人的恩愛笑臉像一對年輕愛侶。有這麼寵你的先生,難怪梅綺的心境寬厚慷慨 :)~
Delete我沒有到過台灣,可以想擠逼情況應該不被香港差。但三十六七度也真是太熱了啊!不是做菜給家人吃真不會進厨房 :( 只好忍受一下了,梅琦加油!!~~
A very refreshing salad! This is my 1st time see a poached egg pan, sound so easy to prepare poached egg.. Beautiful pictures as usual..
ReplyDeleteDear Sonia,
DeleteThank you very much! Yes, these type of egg poachers are very popular in the UK, an extremely healthy way to cook eggs, also eggs cooked this way have a smooth and lovely texture :)
ReplyDelete^_^ 那掀页数的玩意儿,也让我想起以前和同学之间的往事。就是这样掀页数,最小的当跑腿。
Dear 莎莎,
Delete每個人的生命旅途中都有不同的經驗與搜集。像我們每次上你那兒去時,不是也從你的分享中有不同的體會嗎 :)
卻想不到這掀書頁定勝負的遊戲竟會跨越年齢時空界限 ~
謝謝你 ~.~
ReplyDeleteDear Moon,
Delete首先多謝你在那邊的問候,我很好,有心了!女兒要到八月尾才回倫敦,有她在家,母女有做不完的事情,說不完的話,忙得很開心 :)
Moon 對飲食的認真講究,我也想這款沙律會很對你的口味。那醬汁是這道菜的精華,你「畫龍點晴」的形容詞最是貼切不過!
Club Sandwich成份雖簡單, 卻百吃不厭! 我記憶中的那款是爸爸媽媽帶我們上西餐廳點的, 切成三角型, 還以繞了彩色玻璃紙的牙籤穿起 :)
ReplyDeleteDear Miss LK,
Delete原來 Club Sandwich 真是我們年輕時的記憶。你比我年輕,不知在你那個年代與我們的是否相同。
像你一樣,年幼時因為要跟爸媽長輩們上餐廳才吃得到。出來做事時的我其實還很稚嫩,跟朋友或同事一起吃公司三文治,感覺上就是長大了 :)
That is such a cute way to cook the eggs! The salad is colourful and definitely appealing to me, who tends to prefer 'hot food'. :D
ReplyDeleteDear Kelly,
DeleteThank you, it's nice to get a professional approval:) ~ Yes, I think these type of egg poachers are such clever inventions; not only offer a healthy method of cooking eggs, the texture and taste of the eggs cooked this way are always lovely.
Hello Jane,
ReplyDelete原來, 年青時的妳 ~ 是美術設計員, 怪不得妳影的相片很美. 一眼看就知道, 擺設不是隨便放上, 經過心思設計, 食物和擺設才放在一起.
多年以前在中環大公司做時, 公司有請員工到富麗華酒店的La Ronda餐廳吃飯. 所以, 我去過那裡約4次. 因時間很久, 我不太記得起餐廳的情形. 謝謝妳的提醒, 餐廳於一小時內慢慢360˚旋轉一圈, 讓我懷舊一番. 現中環沒有此酒店了.
公司三文冶, 我十分喜歡愛吃, 此沙律稍後會跟著做. Thanks for your kind sharing!
Dear KS,
想起以前的中環,無論做工的地方,逛街的大小公司,酒店商塲,高樓大厦,酒吧餐廳,馬路小巷等等,都令人緬懷回憶不已 ...
歲月匆匆,離港數十年,邵氏的前製片塲廠址和富麗華早已不在,回憶仍然美麗清晰。如這公司三文治。不用客氣,很高興你喜歡呢 :)
Dear Cass,
Delete看到你這留言,才令我的精神一振呢!多謝你 ~
啊真好!在你那邊也可以隨時買得到這做 poached egg 的小鍋,用來蒸蛋方便健康好吃!
This's got to be the best club sandwich ever! It's funny how the club sandwich is often associated with past memories/stories. I used to associate club sandwiches with going shopping with my mum. I didn't use to like them but I love those colourful cocktail toothpicks they often come with. I had my last club sandwich at a hotel during a business trip. Everyone had a club sandwich and funnily enough, everyone had a club sandwich-related story to tell.
Dear Mag,
DeleteDidn't realize Club Sandwich could conjure up so much of our nostalgic thoughts and feelings ...
Your younger day memories with club sandwich were very similar to mine. I used to go see a lot of art exhibitions and visiting book shops with my dad, and often we would have dim sum at Chinese restaurants and sometimes afternoon tea at western style ones, then I would have my club sandwich occasionally.
After so many years, club sandwich still has a very endearing place in our heart :)
Dear alsnoo,
Delete歡迎你來這兒探我,很榮幸也很高興 :)
哈哈卻不知道你這麼會說笑的!看你泡製的各式美食和辦事魄力,你才讓我崇拜欽佩呢! ~~
Hi Jane :)
ReplyDeleteI could help but smile when you were telling the story of when you use to work in Hong Kong and pagers!!! I never had one but I remember growing up and my sisters had one and it was the 'COOL' thing hahaha
I was very fortunate and got a mobile phone instead when I got into high school lol and we didn't play games with the telephone book but we did use our mobile phones to send text messages to each other and pull jokes on each other hehe :P
I am SO in LOVE with this recipe! I've been having salad for lunch lately and this recipe is something I can make without Mr Bao's help YAY :D
Dear Daisy,
DeleteYou are so adorable ~ you must have read it so fast that you missed the part which says, " We used a thick telephone book, and each one of us would randomly open a page." ;)
I'd already left HK when pagers became fashionable, but saw that people who had them always had to find telephone boxes to make phone calls, then came those brick - like huge mobile phones ... compared to the iphone and other smart phones that we have nowadays we're so lucky ... can't imagine our lives without them mow :D
Glad that you like this salad, it's very healthy as well as it is tasty :)
Dear 小咪,
我下次也要試做 ~
謝謝小咪好介紹 :)
Mmm it looks so delicious!
ReplyDeleteDear love2dine,
DeleteThank you so much :) ~~
Dear 小魚,
Delete很高興在這兒見到你!Club Sandwich 是很八十年代的食品。你太年輕了,不會有機會在餐室、酒店或俱樂部品嚐過了 ~
我是在香港出生的,所以是香港人呢!我二十歲時來英國唸書,一畢業就給老公拐騙了這麼多年 ...
ReplyDeleteDear 小咪,
Delete哈哈 ~ 真多謝你照這食譜做這道沙律,希望你喜歡吃 :)